Analiza postojećih ugovorenih usluga osiguranja i osigurateljnih pokrića. Identifikacija, procjena i analiza rizika te revizija postojećih osiguranja. Priprema i izrada natječajne dokumentacije za provođenje postupka (javne) nabave za usluge osiguranja.
The service, for the most part, consists of the following steps:
- Analysis of existing contractual insurance services and insurance coverage.
- Identification, assessment and analysis of risks and auditing of existing insurance policies.
- Preparation and preparation of tender documentation for the implementation of the (public) procurement procedure for insurance services.
- Assistance in analysis of bids received.
- Control of insurance policies and their compliance with the offer from The conducted (public) tender.
- Assistance to the client during the process of resolving claims as well as in the exercise of his rights under the insurance contract.
Aktivnosti vezane uz nabavu usluga osiguranja:
Taking into account compliance with legal obligations, business strategy and company plans:
- The Broker, in agreement with the contracting authority, prepares tender documentation for all types of property and other insurance;
- Assists the client / contracting authority with its expertise and experience during the procurement process of insurance services;
- Provides assistance in analyzing incoming bids;
- Checks the accuracy and compliance of insurance policies with the offer of the selected tenderer based on the conducted (public) tender;
- Assists the client in the process of resolving claims and exercising his rights from concluded insurance contracts.
Some of the benefits of our engagement:
- lower costs
- responsibility for the quality of insurance coverage (by the insurance broker/broker).
- 'Insurance pooling' - insurance of assets of institutions, companies and institutions, in all locations (option)
- standardization of coverage, scope and manner of Insurance-Master program
- consideration of the model of all risks coverage respecting the specifics of the subject of insurance and risk exposure
- better quality insurance
- optimizing security while minimizing costs
- full insurance coverage
- better control of the insurance and damage recovery process
Outsourcing dijela poslovanja i usluge korištenja neovisnih stručnjaka tijekom svih procesa vezanih uz poslove osiguranja