Zagreb Office

Office Rijeka

Split Office

Zagreb Office
Office Rijeka
Split Office
Double pricing
As of 01.01.2023. the euro becomes the official currency and legal tender in the Republic of Croatia. In order to make the transition to the new currency as easy as possible, double pricing is introduced. Transactions are carried out in official currency, while double statements of amounts, which are not in official currency, are informative.
Make it easier to adapt to the new currency until 31.12.2023.double presentation of cash amounts of insurance products and services, such as the total premium on offers and policies, the amount of the premium on the account, the total amount of damages, etc.
This means that prices of services shall be expressed in Kuna and euros at the same time.
Do legal entities, which normally have a B2B model, have the obligation to double the prices when invoicing to natural persons (B2C)?
Taxpayers of double reporting of prices have an obligation of double reporting to consumers in the Republic of Croatia from 5. September 2022 (art. 2. st. 1. and CH. 43. The law).
Ako je riječ o potrošaču koji je prema definiciji Zakona o zaštiti potrošača ("Narodne novine" br. 19/22) svaka fizička osoba koja sklapa pravni posao ili djeluje na tržištu izvan svoje trgovačke, poslovne, obrtničke ili profesionalne djelatnosti, u tom slučaju dvojno iskazivanje je obavezno.
Conversion of HRK to EUR
The calculation will be carried out according to a fixed conversion rate in accordance with the The law on the introduction of the euro as the official currency of the Republic of Croatia.
The fixed conversion rate is publicly available on the official website of the introduction of the euro
Fixed exchange rate is for 1 EUR = 7.53450 HRK
Since the fixed exchange rate has five decimal places, the conversion process will be used for all five decimal places which will then be rounded to two according to the standard mathematical rule:
Below you can see two examples of recalculation:
Premium amount in Kuna: 1.000, 00 HRK
Fixed conversion rate: 1 EUR = 7.53450 HRK
Amount in euro before rounding: EUR 132.7228084
Amount in euro after rounding: EUR 132.72
Premium amount in Kuna: 3.000, 00 HRK
Fixed conversion rate: 1 EUR = 7.53450 HRK
Amount in euro before rounding: EUR 398.1684252
Amount in euro after rounding: EUR 398.17
It is not allowed to use any other exchange rate than the official fixed conversion rate.
After the official introduction of the Euro 1. January 2023 for a period of two weeks, in the Republic of Croatia, the euro and kuna will be used as legal tender in cash transactions at the same time, and this period of the possibility of payment with two currencies is called period of dual circulation.
Insurance contracts remain the same
The introduction of the euro will not affect the contractual terms and conditions of insurance and no changes or new contracts will be required.Also, the introduction of the euro does not give any contracting party the right to terminate or cancel the insurance contract concluded, Unless otherwise regulated by the contract or legal regulation.
After 1.1.2023. all amounts agreed in Kuna and all possible payments and payments under the contract will be in euros. The amounts in Kuna will be converted into euros using a fixed conversion rate.
Exceptionally, in the case of insurance contracts in euro, which were converted to the Kuna equivalent until the date of the introduction of the euro, the reported amounts on the contracts remain in euro even after the date of the introduction of the euro. The conversion has no impact on contracts in euro and other currencies, the amounts remain as agreed.